Postal Service is debt ridden and the Ministry of Public Works has unilaterally decided to reduce the workforce by at least three thousand employees b

19:48 El NACHO 1 Comments

The planned privatisation of (parts of) the Spanish Postal Service has led to unrest among its employees, who are threatening a general strike starting June 10th if no concessions are made at the negotiating table. A couple of thousand postal workers, supported by the Unions, took to the streets in Madrid Thursday to voice their dissatisfaction with government plans.The Postal Service is debt ridden and the Ministry of Public Works has unilaterally decided to reduce the workforce by at least three thousand employees before starting negotiations with possible partners to take over (parts) of the company, the oldest and biggest public company in Spain. More protests are planned for the coming weeks, but should no deal be reached by June 10th, a national strike will be called, supported by all of the Unions.


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