El País says that Brussels is intending to given Spain another year to meet the deficit.

09:26 El NACHO 0 Comments

 The European Commission want Rajoy to accelerate the higher retirement age, put up IVA, and toughen up on unemployment pay. El Mundo headlines that Mariano Rajoy has obliged the Governor of the Bank of Spain, Migul Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, to leave his post a month early, for not avoiding the banking crisis. El País says the Governor goes after the veto from the PP, and notes the PP has rejected his request to appear in Congress. La Vanguardia headlines the crisis in Bankia forces the exit of Ordóñez. Clashes with the Government have marked the end of his mandate, according to the paper. ABC says Ordóñez brings forward his goodbye, while La Razón notes that he now leaves on June 10, the day before the banks have to present their restructuring plans.