THE battle to knock down the controversial Algarrobico hotel has finally been won as the government announces its plans to demolish the hotel.

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The announcement comes as an amnesty has been conceded to several coastal regions of Malaga and Huelva allowing mostly UK homeowners to keep their properties for a further 75 years.

Whereas the 1988 Coast Law threatened their homes with demolition by 2018, the new legislation will allow homeowners to keep and refurbish their homes.

But crucially, this amnesty will not be extended to the 20-storey hotel in Almeria, which was built within 500 yards of the shoreline.

The Spanish Supreme Court recently declared the hotel to be illegal.

And the government even established an antialgarrobicos clause which categorically forbids such construction projects on public or protected areas.

The decision will no doubt be celebrated by Greenpeace activists who have staged occupations on the site for years.

However locals, who have been rallying around to save the hotel insisting it would cause up to 300 job opportunities, continue to oppose the decision.