Outraged villagers protest over open-air sex at naturist beach | Life and style | The Observer

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Outraged villagers protest over open-air sex at naturist beach | Life and style | The Observer: "Europe's largest nudist colony has a more prudish message for over-enthusiastic visitors who are upsetting the natural order of things: no sex, please, we're naturists.
According to unhappy locals, 'an explosion of libertarianism' is turning their 40-year-old resort into the 'European capital of debauchery' and an 'open-air brothel'. Their anger is directed at an influx of foreign nudists with, they claim, only one thing on their minds. The newcomers, they say, are more interested in orgies and naked exhibitionism.
Among the worst culprits, say villagers, whose numbers go from 300 in winter to 40,000 in the high season, are Italians. Local naturists, including many grandparents, said they were 'shocked' by the sight of couples copulating in public."