Morocco will appear before European Parliament to explain Sahara actions
Morocco will appear before European Parliament to explain Sahara actions: "Foreign Minister of Morocco, Taib Fassi Fihri, has offered today to appear before the European Parliament (EP) to explain what happened in Laayoune and address the situation of Western Sahara with MEPs.Fasi Fihri made his offer at a meeting in Brussels with President of the Freedoms and Justice Commission of the Parliament, the Spaniard Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, as reported by his office in a statement.
At that event, which was not planned in advance, the Moroccan Minister expressed his willingness to appear at the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament next week, when MEPs held its plenary session in Strasbourg (France).
Lopez Aguilar, leader of the Spanish Socialist delegation in the EP, praised the commitment of Fasi Fihri and underlined that the Parliament 'will remain vigilant in requiring respect for human rights.'
On Tuesday, Liberal and Green groups in Brussels organized a seminar on the state of European politics Sahara to Morocco, which participated, among others, the Sahrawi activist Haidar."
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