Illegal homes - Faced with the Junta's failure, British residents propose solutions
Illegal homes - Faced with the Junta's failure, British residents propose solutions: "Slow progress was seen in a meeting with the Junta on Monday and now the British residents are coming up with their own solutionsAUAN had a meeting on Monday in Macael with the Delegate for Public Works and Housing, the Director General for Urban Planning and the Director General of the Planning Inspectorate of the Junta de Andalucia.
After the meeting, the President of AUAN, Maura Hillen, said, “We are bitterly disappointed with outcome of the meeting. This was supposed to be a working party to discuss a road map; no work group was formed, neither were we given the supposed road map. We aren’t clear, in fact, what the purpose of the meeting was nor why we were invited.
The first legal proceedings were initiated seven years ago. Since then not one single house has been legalised. Seven years of opportunity have already been wasted."
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